Thursday, June 28, 2007


I've been tagged by Tsedek.

10 things about myself:

1. When I was 9, my father taught me advanced math, including algebra. I was considered a wunderkind or something of that kind by my whole class during my early years in school.

2. I think a lot about everything. About the future, the past, the present. Making up stories, ideas. Thinking about what other people might be thinking and how to make sure they would understand me and not get offended. Often thinking too much, hesitating to say it and missing the right timing.

3. Love has always been the most important thing in my life. I fell in love for the first time when I was 7, thinking about her day and night, dreaming about kissing her on the cheek and so on.

4. I always hated to be told that I'm too young to understand something, that I'm not old enough for a certain girl. Even though I look a few years younger than my actual age, I'm more mature than most people of my age and older.

5. I have a large folder with all kinds of artifacts and letters from the past that have a certain meaning to me.

6. Until the age of 12 I had no interest in music. I had a few tapes which I'd brought with me from USSR and I kept listening to them over and over again until I was 12. Only then did I discover MTV and VH1, when my friends told me of a few popular bands... Then I started to create some music of my own. I took piano lessons for 2.5 years and since then I'd written over 80 melodies, some of which could undoubtedly be highly popular and successful if they are to be recorded professionally.

7. Dale Carnegie's books had a big influence on my life. Why? Go read it yourself! ;)

8. I love this world and I love all the people. I give twice the respect to people from foreign countries, especially to tourists who visit Israel.

9. I'm a very emotional person, but I try to hide it whenever it's seen as a form of weakness.

10. Time is my worst enemy. It's the one obstacle that you can't beat no matter what. I believe that time is our real wealth. We are born equally wealthy and we must choose wisely how to spend this fortune - the time of our lives.


Lirun said...


Tsedek said...

Now that's my 'boy' (not meant denegratingly)
I hope this 'you're too young to be taken seriously' thing didn't influence you like it did me and had me end up with struggling to balance the effect on others of my reactions/behaviour...

Nice job, ID ;-)

WinterScribe said...

awesome entry! =)
like we say at school here in Washington DC...


Lirun said...

שלא תחשוב שזה בא במקום פרק מהיומן שלך

IsraeliDiary said...

Tse, unfortunately it did influence me. My brother and his friends always reminded me that I'm too young for all kinds of things, and I always wanted to have their respect.

Thanks Jess! :)

Lirun - Lol, of course not!